Full Unicode Support at Print-Bingo.com

January 11th, 2008

After much work and delays, print-bingo.com now supports unicode. Back in the day, people only worried about the 26 letters and 10 numbers… not so anymore. Thanks to Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and many other languages, we have a lot more letters/glyphs/symbols to display.

We’re still working out some of the kinks, but once we do, we’ll generate some template designs to show off our new international language support.

So, try out the new and improved custom bingo card generator with international language support!

American Political Bingo Cards

January 8th, 2008

Perceptus Solutions Inc. and it’s employees are Canadian; however, we still see plenty of media coverage of the Primary elections that are currently occurring in the USA, our neighbour to the south.

We decided to throw together a word list template for American Political Bingo Cards.

As always, printing a few bingo sheets through print-bingo.com is free.

Just as importantly, you can easily customize the cards to fit your needs. We suggest adding some terms specific to your State, or the 2008 Election Primaries (e.g. candidate names, best slot machines to play), or items specific to the current place in the process (e.g. Super Tuesday).

So, go see Print-Bingo.com’s American Political Bingo Card Word List now.

Update: post updated to reflect changed link format on our bingo card generating site.

Avoiding WHOIS Searches

January 8th, 2008

Domain Name front-running is in the news on Slashdot again. This is the sneaky concept where bad domain name resellers and domain parking sites snoop on end-users as they look for the right domain name for their legitimate website.

E.g. if years ago I happened to use a bad DNS registrar to test if print-bingo.com was taken, and I didn’t register it right away, the shady DNS registrar would register it for themselves and then try to resell it to me at a premium – what’s worse is that currently they don’t even pay a dime as long as they cancel the registration within 4 days (or something).

So, we at Perceptus Solutions Inc., wrote a tool to try and avoid part of the risk, the “WHOIS” search.  Our web based tool is not bullet-proof. You can get false negatives. Plus, in theory, the DNS lookup can be snooped as well.

Nevertheless, for over a year, our Dig some domain names tool has been hosted on our random dumping ground called tools.perceptus.ca. We didn’t have a blog back then, so there was no where good to mention it. Today we have this blog, online video poker for money, so we’re posting it now.

Our tool avoids the WHOIS lookup.  I also suspect the DNS server used on our VPS is less likely to be snooped since it’s not primarily used by Joe-Six-Pack — If I was buying domain lookup data, I’d prefer the higher volume, more “real” data that big ISPs like Comcast, Verizon, or Rogers would have to offer.

So, there you go.  It’s free to use, and we don’t expect enough traffic for it to be worth snooping ourselves.  But you’ll have to take our word on that.

New Year’s Bingo Cards

December 28th, 2007

Our Christmas Bingo Cards post, actually received a few dozen hits. So people do read this blog! We’ll continue this line of blog postings…. thus this post about using our bingo card creator at print-bingo.com to generate New Year’s Eve themed bingo cards.

We didn’t have a predesigned bingo card design prior to 10 minutes ago. Fortunately, one of our users gave us permission (via the checkbox in the design screen) to use theirs. So, if you want to create your own custom bingo cards for your New Year’s event, you can start from our word list: New Year’s Bingo Cards.

As always, you get to customize them!

SmoothWall 3. DDNS Port Forwarding Modification

December 28th, 2007

Leonard Chan‘s SmoothWall Dynamic Hostnames Port Forwarding Modification has been updated for SmoothWall 3.  It also has a new home, here, on this blog: http://blog.perceptus.ca/smoothwall-ddns-mod/.

For those who don’t know, i.e. everyone, Leonard Chan is me, the key guy behind Perceptus, and the guy who writes this blog.

The modification to SmoothWall is rather handy.  It lets one create rules that allow dynamic hostnames, like “leonard.dydns.org” have access to a PC behind a SmoothWall firewall. Thus, whenever the user’s home IP address changes, the firewall eventually adapts.

The mod is now offered to the public from this site.  No warranties whatsoever.