Fourth of July Bingo, 2009!

June 18th, 2009

To our American friends: We wish you a happy Independence Day, 2009!

We’ve finally gotten around to creating a template word list for Fourth of July Bingo Cards.  Go and try them out, courtesy of  It’s a great way to spend a few hours with the family before the fireworks start!

Printing out a few customized cards is free for all!  If you’d like to get all of the features of our site, or to print hundreds of cards in a single run, then an upgrade costs you only $10.

Create a single line of text from a table for logging

June 15th, 2009

Have you ever wanted to copy a chunk of text from a web page for logging in an Excel spreadsheet and have been supremely annoyed by the formatting and spacing and all manner of other things that make it untidy and tedious?

Well, we did.  So, a couple months ago, we added a new text mangling tool to our simple web tools page, we introduce, The Simplify to a single string – granted, we don’t have the prettiest names for our web tools.

It was originally designed to online transaction details from a bank web page that includes a small table, and turn it into a single string that we save in Excel for logging purposes.  It’s turned out to be useful for mangling all sorts of web snippets to make them Excel, Word, and even email friendly.

We strip all formatting, remove extra spaces, and modify table cells and line breaks by replacing the breaks with dashes (“-“).

It’s useful to us, and hopefully to you!  Enjoy.

Fathers’ Day Bingo Cards

June 5th, 2009

Fathers’ Day is just around the corner.  This year, for many people, including the USA and Canada, it falls on June 21st, 2009.

If you’re looking for a unique way to provide some entertainment for the evening, how about a quick fun game of Bingo?

Visit, the best web based bingo card generator on the planet  (yeah, we’re getting a little proud), and customize our word list for Fathers’ Day Bingo Cards for your Fathers’ Day BBQ.  Toss in your name, and your Dad’s name… and even Mom’s name to make your bingo came truly unique.

As always, printing a few cards from our site is free.  However, you can upgrade for $10 to get access to extra features such as printing 1000 pages of cards at a time.

Free Computer Burn-In Software

June 2nd, 2009

I thought that free burn-in software would be easier to find.

Every now and then I cobble a computer together from parts, or I have to diagnose a PC that is crashing from time to time.  Unfortunately, even though a PC can boot, it doesn’t mean that it’s stable and ready to go. The tool for this job is burn-in software.

I used to use the free-as-in-beer version of SiSoft Sandra, but over the years it has gotten rather bloated.  Anyway, SiSoft Sandra is more geared towards benchmarking a computer rather than stress testing.

Today, I found a great little tool that seems to do a good-enough job of testing the CPU and RAM – it also puts a modest amount of load on the hard drive.

The free tool that I am currently recommending: CPU Stability Test by Jouni Vuorio. It seems to run fine in all current versions of Microsoft Windows.


It’s a bit old, circa 2000, and I can’t find a current website for it… but it works.  There are several “high-quality”, i.e. non-spammy, websites that host CPU Stability Test. Just Google for it if the link above goes stale.

There is still room to find a better free utility, but for now I’m satisfied.  But, if you have other suggestions for free burn-in testing software, please leave a comment!

Update: A free utility for testing memory (i.e. looking for bad memory sticks) that runs inside Windows – If you’ve got the ability to reboot the machine, then use Memtest86.

School Summer Break Bingo

May 24th, 2009

The school summer break is just around the corner – already!?

Our template word list for customizable bingo cards for the end of the school year is ready and waiting for you.  So, create and customize your bingo cards, by visiting and opening our template word list for the School Summer Break Bingo game.

As always, the basic use of the site is free.  You can upgrade for a few more features for only $10.

Have fun in the sun!