Halloween 2009 Bingo Card Template

October 14th, 2009

Here’s a treat for kids from Perceptus Solutions Inc., and our website, print-bingo.com. Teachers, and parents are invited to create free Halloween themed bingo cards using our template word list for All Hallows’ Eve.

Just like every other word list at print-bingo.com, you are in control.  You can customize your bingo cards to your heart’s delight.

Plus, for a small

upgrade cost of $10, you can get even more features.  But even our free service is great for most users.

Well, we forgot to create and post about using Print-Bingo.com to create custom Canada’s Thanksgiving Day and American Columbus Day bingo cards.

Oh well.  At least we remembered that Halloween is right around the corner, so here is our annual reminder that print-bingo.com is great for creating themed bingo cards to celebrate the day of tricks and treats. Teachers and parents are invited to create free customizable Halloween bingo cards using our template word list for All Hallows’ Eve.

Just like every other word list at print-bingo.com, you are in control.  You can customize your bingo cards to your heart’s delight.

Plus, for a small upgrade cost of $10, you can get even more features.  But even our free service is great for most users.

Automatic Upgrade Feature of WordPress Without FTP

September 5th, 2009

I was intrigued by the automatic update feature of recent (2.7+?) versions of WordPress because I hate upgrades as much as the next guy.  Unfortunately, it didn’t work for all 3 WordPress installs for which I am responsible.

There’s a new security issue for WordPress, so I spent some time trying to figure out how to get the update feature to work.  When I attempted the update in the WordPress Admin section, it requested my FTP login settings.  Well, I don’t use FTP for maintaining these blogs.

Fortunately, it turns out that WordPress will only require FTP permissions if the file permissions are configured in a compatible manner.

This post cleared it up:


The gist is to set the owner of the WordPress files to the same user as the process that runs Apache.  Running a basic chown command did the trick!

Now I just have to research to make sure that this makes sense from a security standpoint…

Sample Bingo Card Screenshots (actually “PDF-Shots”)

September 1st, 2009

Another long-overdue update to our bingo card generating site, print-bingo.com: sample images.

We’ve always believed that since it takes less than a minute to generate bingo cards from our template word lists that there was no need  to have sample images.  Well, that, plus we were always a bit short on time.

Well, we now have a few sample bingo card images up – we’ll be adding more soon.  Now, visitors to our site can see in seconds the great bingo cards that can be printed using print-bingo.com in a few seconds!

How’s that for progress?

The Fastest Way to Lookup Multiple Historical CAD to USD Rates

August 21st, 2009

At Perceptus, we deal with the Canadian Dollar to US Dollar exchange rate a lot.  Doesn’t every small business in Canada? We need to convert our US revenues to Canadian CAD amounts for tax purposes, among other things.

We used to use the common websites like XE.com or X-Rate.com to get our historical exchange rates.  But those sites are too slow if you need to look up a half a dozen exchange rates from the past.  It takes several clicks to retrieve a single exchange rate for a date in the past.

So, I went looking for something better to use.  In fact, I was prepared to create a new tool for looking up historical Canada to USA exchange rates on the Web Tools by Perceptus site if I couldn’t find a satisfactory alternative.

Unfortunately for tools.perceptus.ca, I did find a reasonably good way to get a lot of old exchange rates in an efficient way.  The IMF website, of all places, has a great custom table generator.

Here’s the link: Http://www.imf.org/external/np/fin/ert/GUI/Pages/CountryDataBase.aspx

However, this link (until it breaks, anyway) will take you directly to every CAD to USD rate in the last 365 days in a nice and tidy table.  Just generate the table, and look up the rate you need for the date you need.


Canadian Provinces and their Capitals Bingo template

August 15th, 2009

It’s sad.

We’re a Canadian company, yet our first template word list for print-bingo.com was the American State Names. It’s just a fact of life, we always knew that the vast majority of our customers would be from the USA.

Anyway, it’s taken us three or four years to finally put together a template word list to easily create a bingo game with Canadian Provinces and Territories, and their Capitals.

As ever, basic use of print-bingo.com is free; however, you get more features if you upgrade for $10.