Where are the free Windows Mobile Chinese Dictionaries?

March 8th, 2008

So, I spent some time trying to find a free English-Chinese dictionary for Windows Mobile.  How naive was I to think that it would be easy?

In the end, I jerry-rigged one using the free CEDICT database and an ebook reader.  My compiled file and rough instructions are hosted on a page of this blog:


It’s an ugly jerry-rigged  thing.  But it’ll have to do for now, for me at least.

P.S. Comments have just been enabled on pages on the Perceptus Back Story blog.  Please comment if the dictionary ebook is useful to you… or if you have a source for a better Mandarin Pinyin offline dictionary for WM PDAs.

St. Patrick’s Day Bingo Cards

March 2nd, 2008

There are just over two weeks until St. Paddy’s Day 2008.  To celebrate the day when everyone wants to be Irish, we’ve just created our St. Patrick’s day themed bingo cards template.

As always, entry level use of print-bingo.com is free. You can get access to every feature of our excellent bingo card generating site for only $10!

Hurrah! Yahoo Search Marketing Pricing Changes

February 27th, 2008

I received an interesting, possibly exciting and expensive email from YSM today. Apparently, the minimum bid of $0.10 will be disappearing on many terms in the future.  Here’s a snippet from the email:

Pricing Update:
Minimum Bids will no Longer be Fixed at $.10

Starting in the next several weeks, the minimum bids for a number of Sponsored Search keywords will no longer be fixed at $.10. Your new minimum bids can be lower or higher than $.10. Content Match minimum bids currently will remain at $.10.

I wrote in a previous post about advertising pricing that Perceptus would spend several times more on advertising if the $0.1 minimum bid was reduced or dropped.  Well, true to my word, I’m logging into our Yahoo Search Marketing account right now to clean up our advertising spots in anticipation of the pricing changes.

There are a couple ways to interpret this change, here are a few of my theories:

  1. this was an inevitable evolution of Yahoo’s advertising service that they’ve finally gotten around to implementing
  2. advertisers are pulling out of the online advertising market or reducing bids due to economic conditions
  3. Yahoo was loosing certain segments to Google due to lower costs per click
  4. Yahoo wants to boost account counts to ward off the Microsoft bid
  5. Yahoo read our blog and decided that Perceptus was right, and that $0.1 clicks don’t make sense in all cases

These are purely random guesses on my part. While I wish it was point 5, I think it’s a  combination of items 1-4.

Having said that, over the last month, our Google AdSense revenues are down and our AdWords costs are down noticeably. I wonder if online advertising is more sensitive to the economy than other advertising media.  I can turn off pay per click advertising campaigns in 5 minutes.  How many weeks does it take to reduce or cancel TV, radio, and newspaper advertising?  Anyway, those ponderings belong on our non-existent financial blog.

Some Comic Relief

February 17th, 2008

Adrienne told me about this Fox Trot comic from 2008-02-10. Apparently, it reminds her of a couple websites that Perceptus runs. And I agree!

1. We don’t have a Valentine printing program, but we do have a Bingo Card Generator

2. Naque for Unique Names, our little site for getting random words and creating unique names.

If you want to create random Valentine greetings using random words, you can try our random word picker.




Blank Bingo Cards and Easier Sharing

February 16th, 2008

A few new little features for print-bingo.com today.

First, we’ve shortened the “email design” web addresses, and made them easier to use in blogs and forum posts.  This saves a few steps for our users share their bingo card designs on blogs, forums, and websites.

We know a lot of great bingo designs have been made with our site, and hopefully we’ve made it easier to share that great work.

We used that new feature to create a couple custom bingo designs that clean up a few small features that have been requested in the past:

  •  Blank bingo cards we just tricked our generator with spaces to let users create blank cards for class exercises.
  • Customizable numeric bingo cards are regular numbered cards with slight changes, e.g. changing the free cell text or the column headers.  This of course users were able to do on their own, but this link saves them a few minutes.

That’s it for today.

Have a good one!