Posts Tagged ‘turkey’

Turkey Bingo Time!

Friday, November 19th, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to our American viewers. We hope that your turkey is especially tasty this year!

If you are looking for a way to spend some family time before or after the turkey has been served, we suggest Thanksgiving themed bingo cards. You’ll find that Thanksgiving word list, and many more,  at  Basic use our site is free – including customizing the cards!

Of course, for a small upgrade cost of $10, you get access to a few more features.  If you’ve used our site in the past, and are debating an upgrade – we strongly suggest that you do it soon.  We will be raising the price to $12 within a few months.



Thanksgiving Day Bingo Cards – 2009

Sunday, November 15th, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to our American neighbours!

If you are looking for a way to spend some family time before or after the turkey has been served, try some Thanksgiving Day Bingo. Visit, the best web based bingo card generating site in the world, and print yourself some customizable bingo cards.  The best part is that basic use is free, including customizing the cards.

Of course, for a small upgrade cost of $10, you get access to a few more features.