A great user generated video about Naque for Unique Names

We were absolutely floored to stumble upon this great video about the Naque for Unique Names website!

This clever young fellow, DamageTutorials, seems to really enjoy creating his usernames with unique-names.com.

Not only is it a better quality video than we would ever be able to make, coming from us it would literally be self-promotion. When this fellow does it, it’s much more believable.

Thanks DamageTutorials! You made our day.

Update: Rats, it appears that DamageTutorials’ YouTube account has been deactivated. We’re hosting the video here on the blog, we can’t find contact information for DamageTutorials… so if you happen to see this, drop us a line.

[hana-flv-player video=”http://blog.perceptus.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/youtube-unique-names.com-damage-tutorial-f_0019ba.flv”
description=”DamageTuturials’ video about unique-names.com”
autoload=”true” autoplay=”false”
loop=”false” autorewind=”true”

Here’s the original YouTube video embed, though, it probably will never work again:

Check out the video DamageTutorial’s – Unique names – Thinks of a username for you in seconds on YouTube. Make sure that you turn on your speakers, the narration is quite good.

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