Hmm… two posts in a row about stuff I’ve used for years that have now gone offline. There’s a statement here about the so called longevity of things in the digital era. Hey, looking at the calendar widget at the right of this blog, it just hit 10 years of age!
fping, apparently short for “Fast Pinger”, is a really handy tool I use when I want a simple way to monitor an IP address over a period of hours or days. A ping response implies that at least the Internet connection and router/firewall at the remote location are up – so any claimed problems would be further downstream. The built in ping in Windows does not have a date or time stamp, so it isn’t useful for longer term tracking. And a lot of intermittent problems really do need to be monitored over periods of time.
e.g. fping -D -T -l -c -L F:\temp\log.txt
will get you results something like this (on screen and in the text file):
2017/11/10 17:13:57.780 : Reply[1] from bytes=32 time=42.6 ms TTL=56
2017/11/10 17:13:58.824 : Reply[2] from bytes=32 time=43.1 ms TTL=56
2017/11/10 17:13:59.869 : Reply[3] from bytes=32 time=43.1 ms TTL=56
There are a ton of other options… but, I haven’t played with them much.
Originally from (which is now just serving ads). By Wouter Dhondt – Thanks Wouter!
I haven’t been able to find any new address for the tool, so, I’ve decided to host a copy.
This is the latest version that I could find (using from September 2015):
Not to be confused with fping on Linux (Unix?) which is entirely different.
January 1st, 2018 at 5:42 pm
Legend. Thanks for having a copy of this file.
Best pinger for Windows IMO.
January 12th, 2019 at 7:01 am
Thank you very much for finding and hosting the file :)
June 9th, 2019 at 3:28 am
Thanks a lot!
June 26th, 2019 at 10:47 am
Appreciate it!
October 7th, 2024 at 6:23 pm
January 30th, 2025 at 7:16 pm
Awesome website! I’ve been looking for a easy-to-use document converter, and LazyConvert works perfectly. 100 free and super fast. Highly worth trying!